Wednesday 15 October 2008

v3 Copy-paste crash bug

There is a bug in the kernel of Ax version 3 which exists in all service packs

This bug causes the Ax session to crash when the user attempts to paste "corrupt" text

Usually it occurs when using a particularly slow connection, when the user copies the text, it isn't copied properly and nothing is pasted when the user attempts to paste to any other program (e.g. notepad)

However when the user attempts to paste the text into Ax, their session crashes and they have to restart Ax and log in again, developers tell me this is especially frustrating for them

Microsoft have released a hotfix however to correct this problem, and it should be available from Partnersource right now

You can thank me for getting that bug fixed, it took about 3 months to track down the source and get a useable crash report to MS for their developers fix it

Troubleshooting rare bugs, it's like trying to catch a fly with chopsticks ;)


Anonymous said...

Hi Ajay,

working as a developer on a daily basis with Ax3, I have experienced these Ax3 crashes when copying/pasting only via remote-desktop connections, so I am wondering whether the solution you mentioned also applies to the issue I am having.

But anyway, I will ask MS Support for the hotfix (can't find it in partnersource) and give it a try.

Many thanks for going after such a problem as well, I agree it must have been hell,

best regards,

Ajay Odedra said...

Hi Martin

The solution applies to remote desktop connections, the only method I used to connect to Ax when troubleshooting this problem was via remote desktop

Hmmm... I would have expected the hotfix to have been released by now, let us know how you get along with MS support, they're the best people to contact regarding this

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ajay