Friday 2 November 2007

Axapta 3.0 Shortcut Keys

A learned gentleman from one of our customers (Ken Holley) asked me about some of the shortcut keys that Axapta has, so for his benefit (and yours) here are some of the more obscure ones

From anywhere

Ctrl + Break = Abort current operation

Ctrl + Fn + Break = Abort current operation (on certain laptops that have a Fn key)

Alt + Down = Open the dropdown list (only when a dropdown is selected)

Alt + F4 = Exit Axapta

Tab = Cycle through items on a form - forward direction

Shift + Tab = Cycle through the items on a form - reverse direction

Alt = Cycle through the file, edit, tools, command windows, help menus at the top of the screen

Ctrl + Q = Close current form

Esc = Close current form

From the Main menu

Ctrl + D = Open the AOT

Ctrl + O = Open selected form

F1 = Help


Spacebar = tick or untick a selected tickbox


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